Thrill of sea creature discoveries in 2022 undermined by huge threats to marine life
The Wildlife Trusts’ annual marine review reflects on the ebb and flow of sightings and successes – and the risks to wildlife around UK shores
Paul Harris/2020VISION
The Wildlife Trusts welcome plans to develop our understanding of tidal power but believe that any tidal lagoon development in the UK should be subject to strict monitoring of any impacts of the…
Taking a longer-term, more holistic view of the impacts of Marine Conservation Zones (MCZs) in the decision making process, rather than an excessive focus on costs is essential, says a group of…
The Scottish Government has today formally adopted Scotland’s first ever National Marine Plan, which sets a single planning framework for all activities in Scottish seas
As the Government today confirms immediate designation of 27 Marine Conservation Zones, The Wildlife Trusts welcome this first step towards the creation of a network so absolutely vital to ensure…