Homes and nature – no contest
Once again nature is pitched as the enemy to progress. But is it really to blame? And are there not ways to meet the housing demand and ensure nature’s recovery. The Wildlife Trusts believe so, as…
Luke Massey/2020VISION
Our actions this decade will determine the extent to which we experience a collapse in global biodiversity and runaway climate change. Neither the current UK Government, nor opposing political…
Rumours abound that UK Government is considering relaxing rules that prevent polluting development. But whilst press lines on ending the ‘housing moratoria’ may cut through with some supporters,…
In January, the Government announced their decision to allow a banned neonicotinoid pesticide, thiamethoxam, to be used on sugar beet planted this year. Before thiamethoxam could be used however,…
The Wildlife Trusts urge the UK Government to withdraw the Retained EU Law Bill (REUL). Along with others across industry, business, unions and charities, we believe this bill will endanger rights…
With a second reading of the Retained EU Laws Bill expected tomorrow, we’ve been sharing a series of blogs about the laws and regulations designed to protect nature that are under threat. Today,…
With a second reading of the Retained EU Laws Bill expected soon, we're sharing a series of blogs about the laws and regulations designed to protect nature that are under threat. Today, Dr…
With a second reading of the Retained EU Laws Bill expected soon, we’re sharing a series of blogs about the laws and regulations designed to protect nature that are under threat. Today, Ali Morse…