Blog: Policy
Amy Lewis

Farmers are fed up – but they have allies in the public and also in nature
We need better policy so that all farmers can move to resilient, nature-friendly farming – and so they are not undermined by bad policy.

Is the UK Government keeping its promises in the run up to COP28?
With 10 days to go until the global negotiations on climate change in Dubai, we look at whether the UK fulfilled the promises it made when it hosted the meeting two years ago – and what hope there…

Rishi Sunak has abandoned the environment
Liz Truss was vilified for her government’s attack on nature and now Rishi Sunak is abandoning the environment. Surely, securing the future of our natural world should be the focus of consensus?…

Net Zero speech illustrates No.10 struggling to get the facts right on its own policies
Is the Government struggling with its grasp of its own climate and environmental policies or is it deliberately setting out to mislead the public?

Homes and nature – no contest
Once again nature is pitched as the enemy to progress. But is it really to blame? And are there not ways to meet the housing demand and ensure nature’s recovery. The Wildlife Trusts believe so, as…

Pitting food security against nature recovery is a dangerous distraction – our food security depends on a thriving natural world
This week, The Wildlife Trusts announced the launch of a new £6 million programme, ‘Transforming Nature’s Recovery’, which will accelerate wildlife recovery in the UK by supporting rewilding…

Groundhog Day for pollinators: bee-killing pesticide approved for UK use again
Joe Llanos, Policy & Information Officer, explores this issue of neonicotinoid pesticides and the Government's decision to once again authorise their use.

Landmark COP15 agreement gives nature hope for the future, if implementation follows
After twelve days of talks and two years of delay, negotiators at COP15 in Montreal have agreed a historic global deal to protect nature.

UK Government’s deregulation agenda is dangerous: for the good of future generations, we must retain existing laws and enhance nature protection instead
We face an urgent nature and climate crisis. The situation is dire, with more than one in ten species in England on the brink of extinction and the UK amongst the most nature-depleted countries in…