
Terry Whittaker/2020VISION


Shore Crab

The Way Back to Living Seas

Watching The Wildlife Trusts’ president Sir David Attenborough enthuse about the wonders of our Blue Planet for the new BBC series, we were given tantalising glimpses of an amazing underwater…

Woodland path

A radical plan for wildlife?

The UK Government’s advisors have proposed a radical plan for wildlife. Here Stephen Trotter of The Wildlife Trusts calls for greater attention to spatial planning, and proper legislation to make…

Joe Harknkess birdwatching

Bird Therapy, by Joe Harkness

Part of our Mental Health Awareness Series. Joe Harkness writes about the therapeutic benefits of birdwatching on his blog and Twitter account: 'Bird Therapy'. He is setting up a venture…

Child with leaves & bluebells (c) Tom Marshall

Feel better outside, feel better inside

Research continues to show that being active in nature helps us all to grow, live and age well. And that means green environments can help reduce the strain on the NHS. Dom Higgins is Nature and…
